MiniSAP Plus (+) Utility Automation – Startup and Shutdown Experience

Following all of the ‘Install MiniSAP on Your Personal Computer (ABAP Stack)’ course tasks and using ‘MiniSAP Plus (+)’ will simplify the learning adventure.

  1. Manually start the virtual machine. 
  2. User account will auto-login.
  3. MiniSAP services will auto-start.
  4. Enjoy the adventure of learning.
  5. Manually shut down the virtual machine, using the MiniSAP+ action menu to include a clean shutdown of MiniSAP services, before the guest operating system is shut down.

Disclaimer: The ‘MiniSAP+ Auto’ application capability is for MiniSAP Developer Edition installations only. Never use it in a production system because the NPLADM/HXEADM users password is stored in a plain text file. This is intentionally insecure, prioritising convenience over security, for a ‘Developer Only’ installation in a virtual machine on your personal laptop. 

To be clear, this is not an Enterprise-grade solution.
Do not use it in any commercial organisation environments.