MiniSAP Plus (+) Utility Support

Overall Expectation: Support is limited.

After all, this is a free utility targeting a very specific use-case for a very specific combination of applications.

  1. See the ‘Whats This For’ page for the ‘MiniSAP Plus (+)’ details.
  2. See the ‘Application Versions Used’ page for the ‘Install MiniSAP (ABAP Stack)’ details.

That said … let me know what you think, problems you notice or any ideas for improving the user experience.

  1. Click the [?] icon in the bottom corner.
  2. In 4 words or less, what is your message about?
    Press [Enter] to search for related help articles.
  3. Nothing helpful available; click to open a [Emailed Request] form.
  4. Enter a suitable ‘Subject’.
    Provide as much detail as you can about your request for support.
    Enter your ‘Email Address’ to keep get the conversation started, going beyond the life-expectancy of this support form.
    Click the [Send] button.

    Tip: Pretend you are me … what additional details would you need to support this request?
    Tip: Requests for support that are extremely light on details, will just be closed. If you are not even going to help yourself, then why would we.
  5. A support ticket will be created with the details provided.
  6. A ‘Confirmation Email’ will arrive shortly.
    Tip: The support for this ticket is now an email conversation.
  7. Done.