Future Forward
Introduction - Technology Stack
Prepare Host Operating System
Virtual Machine in Host Operating System
Guest Operating System in Virtual Machine
Install - MiniSAP (ABAP Stack)
Finish Line - Are we there yet?

Configure Hosts for Host-Only Adapter ETH1

This course is focused on creating one MiniSAP Developer Edition installation within a single virtual machine (the guest operating system).

Your personal computer (the host operating system) will also be configured to resolve a few network names to statically allocated IPs. This will allow the host operating system to connect to any of the guest operating systems you have running on the VirtualBox virtual network (subnet 192.168.86.x).

Benefit: You will be able to use your personal computer (the host operating system) as a ‘Presentation Server’ and install any client-side applications like SAP GUI, Lumira, Eclipse (with tools), BEx Analyser, etc.

All of these client-side applications will connect to the virtual machine(s) running the server-side services by using simple/custom hostnames like ‘neo’, ‘neo.matrix’ or ‘neo.matrix.vpc.dataprofessionals.info’.

Example VM IPs for SAP Technologies:   morpheus.matrix.vpc.dataprofessionals.info   neo.matrix.vpc.dataprofessionals.info   trinity.matrix.vpc.dataprofessionals.info   oracle.matrix.vpc.dataprofessionals.info   architect.matrix.vpc.dataprofessionals.info   sentinels.matrix.vpc.dataprofessionals.info

This course will get you up and running with ‘morpheus.matrix.vpc.dataprofessionals.info (’. However, the instructions have been expanded to include a few other hostnames as a guide for when you start to explore virtual machine cloning and running multiple unique instances that can still connect to each other.

Tip: The intentional use of two VirtualBox network adaptors, allows all virtual machines to have duplicate hostnames on ETH0 (like vhcalnplci or hxehost) ignorant of the existence of each other; while also having unique hostnames on ETH1 (like morpheus or neo) and be able to communicate like a normal virtual network on the host computer … you’re very own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

Benefit: You will not need to use the VirtualBox Network Port Forwarding feature that is commonly documented in other 3rd party configuration guides.

  1. Which operating system is your personal computer running?
  2. Congratulations, keep going.