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Introduction - Technology Stack
Prepare Host Operating System
Virtual Machine in Host Operating System
Guest Operating System in Virtual Machine
Install - MiniSAP (ABAP Stack)
Finish Line - Are we there yet?

Search for Installable MiniSAP Developer Edition (ABAP Stack)

Pre-requisite (Prepare): Completed ‘SAP Community Account’ task.

This is a free download, but it does require you to login with your ‘SAP Community Account’.

  1. Login to your ‘SAP Community Account’.
  2. Click this link to open the ‘MiniSAP Developer Edition (ABAP Stack)’ download page, pre-filtered to show only the 11 files we want for this MiniSAP Developer Edition. As-at March 2020 it looks like this:
  3. Notice the ‘Download Link’ on the far-right column of each row. There are a total of 11 files to be downloaded; the last one is on page 2, don’t forget to grab it. Now comes the boring part … the next process will need to be done 11 times, sequentially, once for each file to downloaded.
  4. [Occassionally] The SAP Community services use Single-Sign-On (SSO) feature which might expire, for any reason. If you see this screen, just Login again to continue.
  5. Congratulations, keep going.