Future Forward
Introduction - Technology Stack
Prepare Host Operating System
Virtual Machine in Host Operating System
Guest Operating System in Virtual Machine
Install - MiniSAP (ABAP Stack)
Finish Line - Are we there yet?

Congratulations – 1st Part is Done

MiniSAP (ABAP Stack)

Congratulations, you have completed the free preview part of the course. 

That 1st part has guided you through the steps to confidently evaluate that your personal computer is suitable for the MiniSAP installation in this course … or not.

Healthcheck Time

If you can say ‘Yes’ to all of these statements then you are ready to buy the course:

  1. I’ve read the ‘Introduction – Technology Stack’ section.
    • Yes, I appreciate the three primary outcomes required for a successful MiniSAP installation.
    • Yes, I’m committed to setting up and using a Virtual Machine (VM) application, a Guest Operating System and the MiniSAP Developer Edition (Server & Clients).
  2. I’ve actioned the ‘Prepare’ section.
    • Yes, I’m confident that my personal computer and it’s current hardware & software are suitable for a successful MiniSAP experience.
    • Yes, I’m connected with fellow like-minded enthusiasts in the official SAP Community.
    • Yes, I’m prepared to use the SAP Community services to renew my MiniSAP developer edition license key, a few times a year, when required.
  3. I’ve actioned the ‘Download’ section.
    • Yes, I’m organised and ready to proceed because my personal computers ‘~/Downloads/MiniSAP/’ folder, now has what I need to move forward.
  4. I’ve actioned the ‘Prepare Host Operating System’ section.
    • Yes, I’m overflowing with too much virtual memory/swap space configured in the host operating system. I can now push excessive memory demands and my personal laptop will slow down, it will sound like it is a helicopter taking-off and now be less likely to crash due to out-of-memory issues.
    • Yes, I’m shielded against the known memory access configurations that interfere with running a type 2 virtual machine application like VirtualBox.
    • Yes, I’m relaxed and know that the MiniSAP RAR files are all ok; they are fully unrared / decompressed without any download integrity issues and ready to be used.
  5. I’ve actioned the ‘Virtual Machine in Host Operating System’ section.
    • Yes, I’ve built the foundation and can prove that my personal computer has the VirtualBox application installed; including a Virtual Machine Image (VMI) configured for 160GB disk space and the ‘Linux’ -> ‘OpenSUSE (64-bit)’ guest operating system; not 32-bit.

Action Required: Join the online course and then continue to follow the simple step-by-step guide to complete the MiniSAP Developer Edition installation.

Where we go from here, is a choice I leave to you …