Future Forward
Introduction - Technology Stack
Prepare Host Operating System
Virtual Machine in Host Operating System
Guest Operating System in Virtual Machine
Install - MiniSAP (ABAP Stack)
Finish Line - Are we there yet?

Explore Host Operating System Configuration

Mint 19.3: Explore these operating system configurations if your personal computer is running Linux Mint 19.3.

  1. Do the ‘How-To Set Swap File Memory (Mint 19.3)’ task; then come back here.

Windows 7: Explore these operating system configurations if your personal computer is running Microsoft Windows 7.

  1. Do the ‘How-To Set Data Execution Prevention (Windows 7)’ task; then come back here.
  2. Do the ‘How-To Set Virtual Memory (Windows 7)’ task; then come back here.

Windows 10: Explore these operating system configurations if your personal computer is running Microsoft Windows 10.

  1. Do the ‘How-To Set Data Execution Prevention (Windows 10)’ task; then come back here.
  2. Do the ‘How-To Set Memory Integrity (Windows 10)’ task; then come back here.
  3. Do the ‘How-To Set Virtual Memory (Windows 10)’ task; then come back here.

Congratulations, keep going.