Future Forward
Introduction - Technology Stack
Prepare Host Operating System
Virtual Machine in Host Operating System
Guest Operating System in Virtual Machine
Install - MiniSAP (ABAP Stack)
Finish Line - Are we there yet?

Download an Unrar Utility

A few of the files downloaded during this course are in a compressed format. They need to be expanded/decompressed by using an ‘Unrar’ utility application before they can be properly used.

  1. Does your personal computer already have an Unrar utility installed?
    1. Mint 19.3: Do ‘Is an Unrar Utility Installed? (Mint 19.3)’ task; then come back here.
    2. OSX 10.15: Do ‘Is an Unrar Utility Installed? (OSX 10.15)’ task; then come back here.
    3. Windows 7: Do ‘Is an Unrar Utility Installed? (Windows 7)’ task; then come back here.
    4. Windows 10: Do ‘Is an Unrar Utility Installed? (Windows 10)’ task; then come back here.
    5. None of the Above: Perhaps it’s one of the other supported flavours of Linux?
      Do ‘Is an Unrar Utility Installed? (Mint 19.3)’ task, it should be the same process; then come back here.
  2. If the answer is ‘No’ because your personal computer does not already have an Unrar utility installed; now’s the time to download it, ready to be installed soon.
    Already bought the course? Download everything you need, directly from the ‘MiniSAP Resources – Host OS (Unrar Utilities)’ quick start section; then skip to the next task.
    Following the Course Preview? Please continue with the instructions below …
  3. Which operating system is your personal computer running?
    1. Mint 19.3: The Unrar package is downloaded & installed at the same time. Skip this task, keep going.
    2. OSX 10.15: Do ‘How-To Download Unarchiver (OSX 10.15)’ task; then come back here.
    3. Windows 7: Do ‘How-To Download 7-Zip (Windows 7)’ task; then come back here.
    4. Windows 10: Do ‘How-To Download 7-Zip (Windows 10)’ task; then come back here.
    5. None of the Above: Perhaps it’s one of the other supported flavours of Linux? As a general rule, the Unrar package is downloaded & installed at the same time. Skip this task, keep going.
  4. Congratulations, keep going.