Future Forward
Introduction - Technology Stack
Prepare Host Operating System
Virtual Machine in Host Operating System
Guest Operating System in Virtual Machine
Install - MiniSAP (ABAP Stack)
Finish Line - Are we there yet?

Create a ‘myHostOS’ Documents Folder

The course is organised to use this new ‘~/Documents/myHostOS/’ folder in the Host Operating System; which is your personal computers operating system, not the virtual machine.

Purpose: Use during your ‘Everyday’ experience while learning SAP technologies. 

It’s not for the ‘Install & Configure MiniSAP’ experience to set up your personal computer. 

It is a ‘Shared Folder’ in the host operating system that is available to all guest operating systems running in the virtual network.

Benefit 1: A simplified file sharing experience with the virtual machines, while still protecting all of your really personal documents from the virtual machines.

Benefit 2: All files in the new ‘~/Documents/myHostOS/‘ folder will survive every virtual machine ‘Snapshot Restore’ action you take. The guest operating system will lose its files/configuration, as intended by restoring the virtual machine to an earlier point-in-time snapshot, but the content of ‘myHostOS’ folder will not be touched.

Benefit 3: Are you working through one of the free and official OpenSAP online courses? Yes, then place all of your course material in this new ‘~/Documents/myHostOS/‘ folder. The complicated courses involving multiple virtual machines will have access to a consistent single source-of-truth, including any additional resources you gathered along the way. Really useful when learning about extractors, transports, gateways, data migration, data hubs, etc.

Tip: This course uses the ‘User Home (“~/“)’ folder/directory convention, aka the tilde-slash directory, to identify where files live in the hard drive.

For Example: A user account called ‘Demo’ has a ‘User Home (“~/”)’ directory/folder on the hard drive at:

  • Linux: The ~/Documents/ directory is the /home/Demo/Documents/ directory.
  • OSX: The ~/Documents/ directory is the /Users/Demo/Documents/ directory.
  • Windows: The ~/Dcuments/ folder is the /Users/Demo/Documents/ folder.

Action Required: Please take a minute to create this folder:

  1. Create ‘~/Documents/myHostOS/’ folder.

Congratulations, keep going.